1 Comet Electric Vehicle 2 Mantra
#comet For decades, the dirty diesel-burning jeepney has been the colorful face of public transportation in the Philippines. That may by about to change, with the introduction of the COMET (City Optimized Managed Electric Transport): a new approach to the traditional system, based around an eighteen-passenger electric vehicle. Not only does COMET do away with the diesel, it also aims to improve on practically every other aspect of the customer experience. Produced by Global Electric Transport (GET) in partnership with American firm Pangea Motors, these battery-powered people movers are each equipped with CCTV cameras for safety, WiFi and a cashless payment system called TITO (tap in, tap out) for convenience. Operators will not only get additional training to help avoid some common dangerous driving practices, they will be paid salaries (with benefits and bonuses) in an effort to discourage unsafe fatigue from extra-long work days. Additionally, a financing program for owners will m...